Wait - where did the last week go??? Very sorry about not posting, but quite honestly, in the past week I have been running around like the proverbial headless chicken and just haven't had any time. One thing I had forgotten about London (or perhaps I just repressed it as a traumatic memory?) is how ridiculously big it is and how much time it takes to get from point A to point B at any given moment, particularly when one considers how notoriously unreliable the transport network can be. But in addition to spending hours of my life on buses, overland trains and Tube trains, I also managed to fit in quite a few other things on my trip, which I am going to attempt to sum up in few words and many pictures...


Three words: Bon. Freakin'. Jovi. Aieee! My eternal love for them is still going strong and Jon is still looking oh-so-very fine. Rock on, my friend, rock on...
Entertainment (part 2)
And the day after the wedding, I followed that up by going to a drag queen show at the roughest gay bar I have ever seen - how's that for contrast?? Okay, I might have to explain this one a bit: I met up with a friend from Canada who was visiting London. She's originally from Ireland and she and her sister are amazing singers, and the sister had been invited to join the drag queen (whose dress I kind of want - is that weird?) to sing a couple of duets. Anyway, she totally wowed the crowd, and I have to give her all kinds of credit for not flinching when being hugged afterward by many, many, many large, sweaty, hairy, pierced, half-naked gay men wearing leather - that girl is a pro.
So, gentle readers, you can see that you have been neglected in a good cause! And if it makes you feel any better, it has taken me at least two hours of being indoors on a beautiful sunny day in Paris to write this and download these photos, so I hope you enjoy. And now that I have caught up on all things London, tomorrow we will be back to tales of life in Paris, and my normal bitchery...