Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Farewell to Furry Man-Whore

I've been putting off writing about this because it was so hideously painful, but I guess I have to get it over with.  I originally ended up with Furry Man-Whore because I sublet an apartment at the end of January from a divorcing couple, neither of whom could take their cat with them because both their new partners were allergic.  So I looked after the cat, and eventually even Miss K's frozen black heart couldn't withstand the onslaught of feline charm that FMW unleashed upon me:  every time I walked through the door, he was there to greet me; every time I sat down on the sofa, he jumped into my lap; he was always up for a cuddle any time I picked him up; he slept curled up under my chin every single night.  In other words, he was impossible to resist - he even seduced my friends who don't normally like cats.  So when I was told at the beginning of April that I'd have to move out at the end of June, I was very keen to formally adopt him, and after a month of dithering about it, the owner told me at the end of April that it was "90% certain" that I would get to keep the cat.  

Well, 90% is pretty definite, so I naturally spent the next two months thinking that Furry Man-Whore was going to be living in my new place with me, so you can imagine my devastation when the owner changed his mind at the last minute and decided to keep the cat.  My joy at moving into my new apartment was almost completely ruined by a) having to leave him, and b) the fact that I had pictured my life here including him, so it felt like I was living here with a little furry ghost.  I was able to mostly keep my mind off it during the days, because I was busy with two jobs and running all over town looking for the things I needed for the apartment, but the nights were rough.  I couldn't sleep at all without him, so I spent the first three weeks of July taking a sleeping pill every night and washing it down with a bottle (yes, a bottle) of wine.  It was all horribly dramatic and Judy Garland (although in my case, without the talent), but I've managed to slowly start getting it together since then. 

Anyway, sorry to bore you with all that, and I know it makes me sound like Crazy Cat Lady Extraordinaire, but it really affected me and that's one of the reasons I haven't been very consistent with posting recently - I've just been too damn sad, but don't worry, I'm coming back from it.  I won't talk about it again, but for the cat-lovers out there, see below for some fine Furry Man-Whore moments...


  1. sorry for your loss (i really mean it) ...
    i remember loosing my first cat... he was just the way you are describing yours... i hope you find some kind of replacement - at least for the sleeping pills/wine mix

  2. Thanks Julia, I appreciate it!
