Sunday, March 21, 2010

Favourite Paris photos - 2

Second photo:
This is from the wonderful Parc des Buttes-Chaumont (I highly recommend it), which is up a verrrrry long uphill climb (something my guidebook neglected to mention but then again, I don't suppose they thought anyone would be stupid enough to walk there from the centre of Paris), so I was already exhausted when I got there, but just look at these stairs - who could possibly resist going up them to see where they lead?


  1. Hey Miss K, can you please, please e-mail me this photo? I absolutely love it and want to frame it for my home (with proper photo credit, of course!) Thanks, buddy!

  2. How flattering! Yes, of course I will send it to you - does that get me off the hook for a Christmas present this year? :-)

  3. Um, not sure about that one. Your jewellery is way too gorgeous for me to give up, even for this lovely photo!
